踔厉 Work hardForge ahead bravelyPromote the high-quality development of the city's care for the next generation——市关工委常务主任吴连芳
Article source: Zhaodong City People's Government Updated: 2023-07-04

-- Report delivered at the city-wide Conference on Caring for the Next Generation's work and experience exchange

June 30, 2023


This is the first offline meeting held after the epidemic。会议的主题是:以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为引领,We will fully implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20 National Congress,Convey the instructions of provincial Party committee leaders, the spirit of speech and the key points of Suihua Customs Work Committee,Exchange experience,Summarize the previous work,Deploy the next work task,Mobilize the city at all levels of labor organizations, labor cadres and five old,踔厉 Work hard,Forge ahead bravely,Promote the high-quality development of the city's care for the next generation。刚才,有五位同志从不同层面、不同侧面作了很好的发言,他们的经验有高度、有深度,接地气,可复制。Their story is a condensed version of the city's concern for the next generation's work,Reflects the party committee attaches great importance to,党建带关建新发展格局的成果;体现了关工委成员单位认真履行职责,主动作为的高度政治责任感;体现了民营企业对内全面关怀青年职工成长,对社会几十年如一日扶贫济困的大爱情怀;体现了五老不忘初心,The heart gathers strength,A long time is the cause of success.,The mission of helping young people get rid of poverty and become rich。在这里,我代表市关工委向他们和在坐的全体同志以及全市各级关工干部、五老、关心支持关心下一代的社会各界人士,表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!希望同志们再接再厉,再谱新篇,为全市青少年健康成长再做新贡献。Here I make a work report on behalf of the Municipal Customs Working Committee:

A brief summary of the previous paragraph

Under the strong leadership of the municipal committee,Under the strong guidance of the superior customs work committee,全市各级关工组织以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于关心下一代工作的重要指示批示精神,Adhere to the work orientation of centering on the center, serving the overall situation and taking the initiative,We will continue to coordinate the two major tasks of epidemic prevention and control and work related to closure,Adhere to both online and offline activities,Turned in a satisfactory answer in the big exam。At the celebration and commendation conference of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China Customs Working Committee,我市关工委被授予全国关心下一代工作先进集体;有9名乡镇、街道办事处、市直部门和学校关工委主任、常务副主任被授予全省关心下一代工作先进个人,Two five seniors were awarded the provincial model of care,70名老师被授予全省最美教师;有5个关工组织和10名个人被绥化市委、市政府分别授予关心下一代工作先进集体和先进个人;评选出市本级关心下一代工作先进关工委25个、先进关工小组90个,There are 205 advanced people,There are 100 new merit students,20 people from caring enterprises and society。近几年,中国关工委主任顾秀莲和省关工委领导先后多次来我市调研,不仅对我市关心下一代全面工作给予了充分肯定、高度评价,而且对每项具体工作都给予了点赞。To sum up the previous work, the main signs are:






First, we carried out the activity of inheriting the red gene and striving for the new era。市关工委在人民公园烈士广场建立了青少年革命教育基地,十大革命教育基地所在乡镇办事处,市直部门关工委在清明节都组织青少年学生开展了祭奠活动,赓续红色血脉,厚植爱国情怀。加强了传承红色基因品牌建设,联合老促会培植15所“传承红色基因示范学校”、5个“传承红色基因示范社区”,在实验小学校举行了挂牌仪式。The second is to carry out "four histories" exhibition activities。黎明、昌五、宋站、尚家、里木店、东发等乡镇,东升、朝阳、正阳、西园等街道办事处关工委和全市中小学校关工委,利用文化墙、板报、楼道墙、展览大厅等,举办了“四史”展示、展览和展播。The third is to carry out "learn from Lei Feng" volunteer service activities。全市成立学雷锋志愿者服务队50多支,志愿者1400多人,学雷锋做好事3100多件。The fourth is to carry out the "bright eyes" care action。The city's urban and rural 66 primary and secondary schools, 4.70,000 students participated, and the incidence of myopia and false myopia decreased significantly。

3. Strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law and raise young people's awareness of protecting their rights under the law

First, the city continued to carry out the "care for tomorrow, law first" activities。组织20多名政法退休五老和在岗干警2024欧洲杯下注平台、社区和乡村青少年中,宣传讲解“四法”。二是开展了“携手落实两法、共护祖国未来”主题教育活动。Third, the municipal court set up an Open Day。The fourth is to guide primary and secondary school students to go online in a civilized and scientific way。召开了座谈会,下发了纪要,对杜绝网瘾提供了有力指导。


First, focus on the current focus and carry out special research。市关工委与省关工委联合调查总结了五里明镇五里明村立足当地优势,发展多元经济,增加本地就业,减少外出打工,从根本上杜绝、减少留守儿童发生的经验,在全市进行了宣传。The second is to carry out extensive and in-depth activities of "stepping on the threshold, entering the home and sending warmth"。Rural communities organize competent five old people to conduct house-to-house surveys。摸底,弄清留守生、困境生变化情况,建档立卡,采取“一对一”、“一对多”的办法进行包联,收到了很好的效果。The third is to carry out donation activities。在升学季、“六·一”儿童节、世界残疾人日、春节等节日,关工委成员单位联系、动员爱心企业、人士捐钱捐物合计达110多万元。It's a solution to a difficult situation。


农村各级关工组织坚持助力乡村经济发展和乡村文明建设两手抓,两促进。市关工委先后下发了制订了《2024欧洲杯下注app》和《2024欧洲杯下注app》两件文件。According to rural economic trends,We launched the "six batches" initiative,通过关工领导干部联系一批、有实力五老大户结对帮扶一批、特色产业五老带动一批、新型农业经营主体吸纳一批、五老专家承包技术指导一批、五老经纪人领进城打工一批,Bao gang united on the children have cashed the responsibility certificate,All 524 households in the plan have been lifted out of poverty。东发办事处关工委围绕恒大文旅康养城建设,积极与建筑方对接,帮助3000多农民工在工地干活。他们还深入调查研究,发现宣传推广典型,引导农民做盒饭、开旅店,有一对夫妻两年多挣70多万。针对养牛、猪、羊不挣钱的问题,推广了五老养马的经验,目前已发展到4户,年总出栏200多匹,户均收入20多万元。

在助力乡风文明建设方面,乡村两级关工组织以教育青少年树立践行社会主义核心价值观为主线,组织五老参加社会主义核心价值观“四个一”建设,发动青少年参与乡规民约制定和遵守,积极参与争当星级文明户活动。结合青少年特点开展了家风、校风、乡风“三风”建设活动。In order to cultivate the all-round development of young people, the "four self and one gang" activity has been carried out。普遍开展了“三好、三不、三远离”教育,营造了清新文明和谐风气。

(6) Strengthen the construction of the network to ensure that the work of the shutdown is fast and smooth

One is to establish "four groups on one page"。市关工委通过与市经济信息中心联系沟通,在市政府网站建立了《2024欧洲杯下注平台》网页,网页设置七个板块:包括Leadership speech、Policies and regulations、Organizational structure、关工动态、Five old style、Duty honor、Should know should know等栏目,是一部关工内容活“字典”。市关工委建立了关工委工作群、基层关工委联系群、中小学关工沟通群、五老微信互动群。Greatly convenient up and down, left and right information transmission communication and exchange。The second is to carry out network knowledge training。各地、各部门采取多种形式对关工干部、五老传授电脑、智能手机使用知识,基本扫除了“网盲”。

Second, the next work arrangement

Working throughout the year, the Municipal Commission Office issued key points of work with documents。下步工作总的要求是:以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will earnestly implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,深入学习贯彻中办印发的《2024欧洲杯下注app》和黑龙江省委修订的《2024欧洲杯下注平台》精神,Adhere to "urgent party and government urgent,Want what teenagers need,The work policy of the Working Committee to the best of its ability,In accordance with the deployment requirements of the municipal Party committee and the higher level customs work committee,Anchor "walk ahead,Open a new office.",踔厉 Work hard,Forge ahead bravely,Strive to write a new era,The new journey cares about the next generation of work,为促进青少年全面成长、培育社会主义合格建设人才做出新贡献。


各级关工组织要把学习党的二十大精神作为当前和今后一个时期首要政治任务,摆上首要位置,全力抓好。One must be carefully organized, compaction responsibility。Achieve "four, one in hand, three coverage"。Second, we must do a good job in study and master the core essentials。要认真读原著,学原文,悟原理,吃透精神实质,入心入脑,学出信念,学出忠诚,学出担当。忠心拥护和坚决捍卫“两个确立”,自觉做到“两个维护”。Third, we must connect with reality and translate learning results into work practice。Deepen understanding of the importance of caring for the next generation,Deepen the understanding of the general goals and tasks of caring for the next generation,深化对习近平总书记提出的努力做“知心人”、“热心人”、“引路人”的要求认识,Work on the starting point and landing point of calibration work,Take new steps in building a new pattern of work in the new era。


一要用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想育人铸魂。把握青少年思想认知规律、话语体系特点,针对不同年龄段的青少年的不同特点,开展形式多样的宣传教育活动。Second, we should carry out in-depth activities to inherit the red gene。要组织“五老”深入青少年群体中,讲好党的故事、革命故事、英雄和烈士的故事,把故事蕴含的革命精神和时代价值讲出来。要组织青少年瞻仰参观革命教育基地、烈士纪念设施,老少携手开展读书、征文、演讲、展演、夏、冬令营等实践教育活动。Third, we should cultivate young people to establish and implement socialist core values。在青少年中深化社会主义核心价值观内容的学习,使之成为行为准则和指南。四要广泛开展“中国梦,我的梦”“强国有我”等主题教育活动。引导广大青少年从我做起,从本岗位做起,创造优异成绩,为实现中国梦做出应有贡献。五是深入开展“学雷锋活动”,争取取得更大实质性效果。


First, we must continue to carry out the "care for tomorrow, law first" activity。组织政法干警老同志进乡村、进社区、进学校、进企业宣传讲解《2024欧洲杯下注平台》《2024欧洲杯下注平台》《2024欧洲杯下注app》,使青少年知法、用法、守法。二要发动“五老”和青年农民积极参与乡规民约制定和遵守。Actively strive to be a "star civilized household" and consciously contribute to the construction of civilized village style。Third, we should carry out "three good, three no, three distance" education。教育青少年在家做个好孩子,在校做个好学生,在社会做个好公民;不搞封建迷信活动,不搞婚庆大操大办,不搞厚葬薄养;远离黄赌毒,远离盗拐骗,远离黑恶欺凌,营造清新文明和谐风气。Fourth, we should optimize the social environment in which young people grow up。充分发挥关工组织和“五老”优势,深入开展创建“未成年人零犯罪社区(村屯、学校)活动。努力构建长效机制,落实常态化措施,巩固扩大创建成果。Actively participate in the "anti-pornography and illegal publications" activities to purify cyberspace。加强对未成年人进入电子游戏经营场所的监督,推动查处违规向未成年人开放文化娱乐场所。发挥“五老”网吧义务监督员作用,禁止未成年人违规进入。协调助力有关部门大力治理学校周边环境,为在校学生创造良好的外部环境。


First, we must carry out the activities of "stepping on the threshold, entering the home and sending warmth"。组织“五老”挨家逐户进行排查,摸清留守生、流动生、困境生和“五失生”变动情况,登记造册,建立“五老”与孩子们帮联对子,做到全覆盖、精准化。二要组织各有关部门和“五老”动员企业社会各界人士捐资助困、捐资助学。There is money, there are things out of things, there are jobs out of jobs, co-management。Solve the temporary difficulties of teenagers。三要按照中办印发的《2024欧洲杯下注平台》要求做好留守生扶助工作。要聘请懂心理学的老教师和有辅导能力的老同志,做好留守生节假日日间照料、课业辅导、心理抚慰、感情疏导,使这些孩子每天生活在快乐中,让远方的家长安心工作。Fourth, we must earnestly grasp the "bright eyes" care action。We will deepen publicity and supervision, stick to our activities, and ensure that the expected results are sustained。总结两年来开展工作的经验,对行动开展得好、儿童青少年近视率降幅大的先进单位进行表彰。



(6) Adhere to the party building with close construction, and see results in strengthening organizational implementation

各级关工委要紧紧依靠党委的领导,自觉置于党委领导之下,主动请示、主动汇报,自觉把党委领导意图贯彻到关工工作全过程、各方面。认真履行议事协调职能,当好党委关心下一代工作的参谋助手。First, we must adhere to the "42111" party building and construction mechanism。各级党委要加强对关心下一代工作领导,做到与党委相关工作统一规划部署、统一检查指导、统一考核验收、统一表彰奖励。党委每年至少召开二次会议,听取和研究关心下一代工作,下发年度关心下一代工作要点,召开一次工作会议和关工委成员单位联席会议,为关工工作把方向、提要求、解难题。Second, we need to improve the working mechanism。建立健全党委统一领导、党政齐抓共管、关工委主动作为、有关部门积极配合、社会各界广泛参与的关工工作格局。Third, we need to strengthen team building。广泛动员政治素质高、热心公益事业、具有奉献精神的老同志参加关工委工作,及时把新退出领导岗位、身体健康、热爱青少年工作的老同志充实进关工委领导班子。建立健全“五老”常态化退出和补充机制,努力建设一支素质优良、人数众多、覆盖面广、富有活力的“五老”队伍。

为了保证不同单位、地方来源的“五老”党员过上组织生活,社区可成立“五老”党支部,并开展活动。对“五老”要切实做到在政治上关心、工作上支持、生活上照顾,对在关心下一代工作中做出突出贡献的按规定给予表彰奖励,对存在实际困难的积极帮助解决,充分调动好、保护好、发挥好“五老”的工作积极性。各级关工组织、全体关工干部和五老要按照习近平总书记的要求,努力做“青年朋友的知心人、青年工作的热心人、青年群众的引路人”,踔厉 Work hard,Forge ahead bravely,努力开创我市关心下一代工作新局面。